"Startup Showcase" ikinji tapgyry 15.09.2024
15-nji sentýabrda StartUp Akademiýasy "Telwas Koworking" bilen birlikde bäş proýektiň çykyşyny jemlän "Startup Showcase" dabarasynyň ikinji tapgyryny geçirdi. Gatnaşyjylar öz ideýalary bilen çykyş edip, ekspertler we tomaşaçylaryň gymmatly pikirlerini aldylar.

Proýektleriň biri StartUp Akademiýasynyň biznes-inkubasiýa programmasynyň 11-nji möwsümine gatnaşmak üçin 50% arzanladyş sertifikatyna eýe boldy. Aýratyn baýragy "allsounds" atly proýek gazandy - sertifikat biznes-angel Klubynyň öňünde çykyş etmek we inwestorlardan proýektiň geljekki ösüşi üçin teklipler almak mümkinçiligini berýär
Startap Akademiýasy "Hi-Tech Turkmenistan 2024"
10-11-nji sentýabr aralygynda Startap Akademiýasy "Hi-Tech Turkmenistan 2024" Halkara sergisine we forumyna gatnaşdy. Toparymyz myhmanlaryň soraglaryna jogap bermek hem-de programmalarymyz we wakalarymyz barada maglumat paýlaşmak arkaly stendiň myhmanlaryna işjeň maslahat berdi.Uçurymlarymyz hem stende goşuldylar we sergi myhmanlaryna başdan geçirenleri we gazananlary barada höwes bilen aýdyp berdiler.
Forumyň ilkinji gününde Startap Akademiýasynyň esaslandyryjysy Daniil Maýkowskiý “Türkmenistanda startaplary goldamak” prezentasiýasy bilen çykyş etdi we ýurdumyzda startaplaryň ähmiýeti we olar üçin bolan mümkinçilikler barada jikme-jik gürrüň berdi.
Ikinji gün startap bäsleşigi geçirildi we onda biziň uçurymymyz we birinji akselerator programmasynyň ýeňijisi “Biar Delivery” ýokary derejeli taýýarlyk we üstünlik görkezip, abraýly üçünji orny eýeledi.
Şeýle hem, täze startaplaryň ösüşi üçin goldaw hökmünde inkubasiýa programmasynyň indiki on birinji tapgyryna gatnaşmak üçin şahadatnamalary we talonlary hödürledik.
Ýapylyş dabarasynda Akademiýa Türkmenistanyň startap ekosistemasyny ösdürmäge goşan goşandy üçin we sergä işjeň gatnaşandygy diplom bilen sylaglandy.
"Özbegistanyň IT bileleşiginiň" başlygy Şawkat Karimow bilen agşam duşuşygy 23.08.2024
23-nji awgustda Özbegistanyň IT jemgyýetiniň başlygy Şawkat Karimow bilen agşam duşuşygy geçirdik. IT ulgamynda köp ýyllyk tejribesi bolan, Microsoft-da SEO-nyň başlygy wezipesini hem öz içine alýan Şawkat Özbegistanda IT jemgyýetiniň ösüşi baradaky bilimlerini paýlaşdy. Waka gatnaşyjylar IT pudagynyň esasy ugurlary, sebitdäki başlangyç toparlarynyň ýüzbe-ýüz bolýan mümkinçilikleri we kynçylyklary bilen tanyşdylar. Bu waka IT jemgyýetiniň wekillerini we başlangyç esaslandyryjylaryny bir ýere jemledi. Gatnaşanlara halkara hünärmenine sorag bermäge we gymmatly maslahatlary almaga mümkinçilik berýän özboluşly waka boldy. Regus Biznes Merkezine (Instagram: @regus.tm) bu möhüm wakany amatly we öndürijilikli ýagdaýda geçirmek üçin bize ýer berenligi üçin sag bolsun aýdýarys
"KinesteX" startapynyň esaslandyryjylary bilen duşuşyk
Aşgabatly ýigitler Dubaýda startap tapyp, maýa goýumlaryny nädip özüne çekdiler? Dubaýa göçenden soň, “KinesteX” startapyny esaslandyryjylar täze şertlere uýgunlaşyp, maýadarlaryň gyzyklanmasyny özüne çekýän innowasiýa önümini döretmegi başardylar. CEO ýerine ýetiriji müdir Nikita Starow we COO Perman Annamammedow bilen bolan duşuşygymyzda olaryň ýollaryny ara alyp maslahatlaşdyk: ilkinji ädimlerden üstünlikli maýa ýygnamak. Bu öz startapy bilen başlamagy arzuw edýänler üçin ylham beriji mysal!
Ideaton “Summer Vibes” 18.07.2024
18-nji iýulda köp sanly täze pikirler we iş çözgütleri bilen özüne gatnaşyjylary ýygnan, “Summer vibes” ideatonyny geçirdik. “Ideaton” döwründe gatnaşyjylar innowasiýa, ösen tehnologiýalar we IT atmosferasyna çümdüler. Şeýle hem pikirdeş adamlar bilen duşuşyp, peýdaly aragatnaşyk gurdylar. Bu tolgundyryjy waka işjeň gatnaşanyňyz üçin ähli gatnaşyjylara sag bolsun aýdýaryn! Geljekdäki wakalarymyzy sypdyrmajakdygyňyza göz ýetiriň!
Startup Showcase 30.06.2024
Iýunyň soňky gününde, Startap Akademiýasy "Telwas Koworking" (@telwas.koworking) bilen bilelikde "Startup Showcase" diýen ajaýyp çäre geçirdi, bu ýerde täze startap proýektleri yglan edildi!

Şeýle hem, “Memo” proýektiniň inkubasiýa maksatnamasyna gatnaşmak üçin 50% arzanladyş bilen StartUp akademiýasyndan şahadatnama alandygyny we "Umyt köprüsi" proýektiniň "BIZANGEL" Business Angels Club-dan şahadatnama alandygyny habar berýäris.
Ähli gatnaşyjylary gutlaýarys we siziň yhlasyňyz we innowasiýalaryňyz üçin minnetdarlyk bildirýäris!
"StartUp Academy" ÝUBILEÝ! Inkubasiýa maksatnamasynyň 10-njy möwsüminiň Demo Day 02.06.2024
2024-nji ýylyň 2-nji iýunynda biz ÝUBILEÝ belledik! Startap Akademiýasy biznes-inkubasiýa maksatnamasynyň 10-njy möwsümini çykardy.

Biz bu wakanyň hormatyna Türkmenistanyň öňdebaryjy online-biznesleriniň ýolbaşçylary bilen duşuşyk geçirdik:
«Wabrum», «Aydym.com» we «Gerekli» öz tejribeleri bilen paýlaşdylar we ýurdumyzyň startap ekosistemasynyň geljegi barada pikirlerini aýtdylar.
Demo Gününde alty sany täsirli IT proýektleri hödürlendi, ýöne baýrak alan üç startap-proýekti aýratyn tapawutlandy:
1-nji ýer: “ZOOTEL” öý haýwanlarynyň eýeleri üçin platforma
Faunder: Tahyr Orazdurdyýew
2-nji ýer: "ÖZGER" mobil programma kärendesi boýunça startap
Faunder: Akmurad Mamedov
3-nji ýer: “SPORTPORTAL” Türkmenistanda sport barada maglumat platformasy
Faunder: Myrat Gurbanov
Ýeňijileri gutlaýarys we olaryň ajaýyp proýektleri we startap-bileleşigine goşan goşantlary üçin ähli rezidentlere minnetdarlyk bildirýäris!

Hemaýatkärlerimize aýratyn minnetdarlyk bildirýäris: «Awtoýoly», «Ak sahypa», «Arçalyk», «KPMG», «Kuwwatly energiýa hyzmaty», «Iş Nokady», «Gerekli», «Elektronika.tm», «Däp», «Orient».
Demo Day 2024: StartUp Academy Accelerator 30.03.2024
Bu gün Türkmenistanyň startap-ekosistemasy üçin taryhy pursat hökmünde ýatda galar!

2024-nji ýylyň 30-njy martynda biz "Demo Day 2024" atly ilkinji akselerasiýa maksatnamasynyň üstünlikli tamamlanmagyny buýsanç bilen belledik!

Bu möhüm günde, biznes-akseleratoryň rezidentleri üstünlik gazanmak üçin iki aýlyk ýoluny jemlediler.
Bäsleşigiň ýeňijisi bilen tanyşyň — «Biar Delivery»!

«Biar Delivery» — Aşgabatdaky iýmit witrinasy.
Bu “Biar Delivery” proýektiniň gelejek üçin nähili möhümdigini görkezýän ajaýyp tejribe boldy. Biar Delivery bilen eltip berme hyzmatynyň geljegi bilen tanyşyň!

Ähli startaplara olaryň zähmeti we üstünlik arzuwlary üçin sag bolsun aýdýarys. Goý, bu gün täze üstünlikleriň we ajaýyp ýeňişleriň başlangyç nokady bolsun!
Workshop "Maýa goýumlaryny nädip çekmeli? Maýa goýujylaryň ynanjak sanlary" 05.03.2024
«Maýa goýumlaryny nädip çekmeli?!» — halkara ekspert bilen geçirilen workshopdan soň adamlar bermegi bes eden sorag.

Halkara ekspertiniň hökmünde 10 ýyldan gowrak startaplar bilen işleýän «MOST BI»-yň baş trekery Andreý Krýukow çykyş etdi!

Metrikalar, illýustratiw mysallar, gatnaşyjylaryň soraglaryna jogap - Andreý bularyň hemmesini workshopda paýlaşdy.
Ilkinji gezek Türkmenistanda! Biznes-akseleratorynyň işe girizilmegi «STARTUP ACADEMY ACCELERATOR»! 27.01.2024
Rezidentlarymyz bilen tanyşdyrýarys:
1. Biar Delivery (Instagram @biar_delivery) – iýmitleri eltip berme hyzmaty, her bir sargyt rahatlygyň täze derejesidir.

2.bedew.com.tm - gurluşyk materiallarynyň platformasy

3. Sanly Satyş (Instagram @sanly_satys_startup) – dükanlar, kafeler we restoranlar üçin sanlaşdyrmak hyzmaty

4.Elektronika TM (Instagram @elektronika.tm) - öý harytlaryň onlaýn-dukany. 

5. ProdigyKids – 3D animasiýaly iňlis dilinde audio ertekileri.

Bizi döredijiligiň, zähmetiň we ösüşiň intensiw aýlary garaşýar.

Täzelenmelerimizi yzarlaň, ylham beriji üstünligiň taryhlary size garaşýar!

Coffee Cups Evening 21.12.2023 
On December 21, 2023, we held Coffee Cups Evening dedicated to the topic "Market Research and Growth Strategies for IT Products. Global Experiences." 

The event brought together representatives and founders of IT startups to discuss current issues related to the market for startups and their growth strategies. 

During the evening, the participants discussed various aspects of IT product development, shared their experiences and developments. 

The event allowed participants to exchange valuable knowledge and experience, as well as establish new contacts in the industry.
Evenings with International Experts  
On November 30 and December 8, 2023 we had two incredible evenings with international experts! 

First meeting: Evening Meetup with international expert Egor Klopenko 
Together with Egor we immersed ourselves in the world of global markets and learned how to bring an IT product to the markets of MENA countries.

Second meeting: Invest Evening with international expert Asel Tasbulatova, representative of AIFC (Astana International Financial Centre).

Asel shared invaluable knowledge about successful global investments to scale an IT product! 

We were glad to see among the participants representatives of:

• eBazar
• Post Shop TM 
And many others!

We are grateful to all for participation!

We develop the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Universities of Turkmenistan!
Startup Academy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen-Indian Center, held a series of seminars “Development of startups in universities of Turkmenistan”. We shared key knowledge about startups: from their creation to successful development. The workshops, which took place in October, November and December, were conducted in an interactive manner, where participants in small groups were able to actively interact and exchange ideas. Our goal is to inspire young people to go from idea to launching their startup.
25.11.2023 Ashgabat Demo Day-2023 Ninth stream of the incubation program from "StartUp Academy"!
On November 25, 2023, in the hall of the Cultural and Business Center of the Oil and Gas Sector, nine amazing startup projects presented their innovative ideas and products! Open to all event, wide stage, wide audience! Greetings and words of support from representatives of the Business Angels Club, and, of course, exciting presentations of nine startup projects - every moment became part of our innovative Celebration.
Competition winners:
1st place: "Onix" (online service for ordering custom sneakers)
2nd place: "Crescendo" (music and educational studio for children)
3rd place:"Döret" (online service for ordering custom T-shirts)
Thanks to our sponsors: “Arçalyk”, “Awtoýoly”, “Daluw”, “KEH”, “Ynamdar”, “Diwart”, "Tizlik", media sponsor “Orient” and volunteers of IUHD.
15.10.2023 Start of the ninth stream of the StartUp Academy incubation program
The business incubator has been launched!

Together with the participants we plunged into the world of ideas, startups and innovative projects. Along with already at the first training we saw a huge potential in each of them!

In addition to this is just the beginning of an exciting journey. We can't wait to see what amazing startups will launch as a result of our work!

Follow our updates on Instagram @startup.tm
23.09.2023 "Mini Ideathon Fall-2023"
On September 23, 2023, the "Mini Ideathon Fall-2023" was held. This event was full of energy and ideas, attracting active participants and creating a team spirit.

"Mini Ideaton Fall-2023" was organized to attract participants from different backgrounds and with different skills. All of them were united by a common goal - to create innovative ideas that can change the world.

However, the most valuable thing about Mini Ideathon Fall-2023 was that the participants not only created projects, but also found new friends and like-minded people. The interaction and exchange of ideas stimulated the growth and development of each participant.

"Mini Ideathon Fall-2023" was a vivid example of how active and creative people can create something bigger together. The event filled the participants with enthusiasm and inspiration, showing that ideas can change the world if given the opportunity to grow and develop.

Thank you to our partner @ish_nokady_
16.09.2023 Seminar "How to Monetize Your Website or Mobile App"
We held a workshop where we broke down the intricacies of monetizing web projects, and how to maximize revenue from mobile apps.

Thanks to active participants, sharing ideas and knowledge, the workshop proved to be a real source of inspiration!

Thank you to everyone who joined, asked questions and contributed!
14.05.2023 "Demo Day" of the eighth stream of the StartUp Academy incubation program
YAY! We did it! On May 14, 2023, in the hall of the Cultural and Business Center of the oil and gas sector, the following event took place
Celebration of innovative entrepreneurship - Demo Day of the Eighth Incubation Program
Startup Academy by MCT Agency.
We tested a new format - a big stage, an event open to all comers, when we invited various guests from students to businessmen to participate in the celebration - more than 150 spectators in total.
And we did it!
Greetings from partners, a representative of the Business Angels Club, and, of course, exciting competition performances of six teams of incubation program graduates, cheered on by the Startup Academy coaching staff and the Startup Club (which includes graduates of previous programs) - these were the parts of our Celebration.
The winners of the competition were:
1. First Place: "Flower Boom" (an online flower ordering platform)
2. Second place: "Fre-work" (online platform to earn extra income)
3. Third place: "Sanly satyş" (service of "digitization" of store goods and their placement in marketplaces).
Thanks to our sponsors: "Arçalyk", "Awtoýoly", "Daluw", "KEH", media sponsor "Salam News", partner "Technology Center" of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and volunteers of the "Business Club" of IUHD.
13.04.2023 “Venture Capital Forum-2023”
The United States Agency for International Development (@usaid_fgi) in partnership with Rysgal Joint Stock Commercial Bank held a conference on venture capital investment.
Daniel Maykovsky as a representative of the business incubator "StartUp Academy" ( @startup.tm) spoke about the situation of the startup ecosystem in Turkmenistan at this time and the prospects for development. Also, together with the founders of international venture funds from Bulgaria, Kazakhstan and Singapore, they discussed the development of the startup ecosystem and venture financing institutions in Turkmenistan.
The forum was attended by residents of the Business Angels Club of Turkmenistan, representatives of financial institutions, IT companies, higher education institutions, state regulatory bodies and other stakeholders of the startup ecosystem.
01.04.2023 Start of the eighth stream of the StartUp Academy incubation program
The business incubator has started its work. New startup founders, new ideas, new emotions.
Already at the first training they learned a lot of useful and interesting information that is necessary for the realization of their ideas and became one step closer to their dreams.
Follow them on our Instagram account @startup.tm
17.03.2023 "Ideaton-2023"
It is a cool intensive on search and processing of business ideas. In a short time participants learned how and where to look for ideas, how to work with them properly, some participants found like-minded people and formed cool teams.
There was a special atmosphere - fullness, involvement, team spirit, energized and high efficiency.
Thank you to our partner @ish_nokady_

Biziň Hemaýatkärlerimiz

StartUp Academy by MCT Agency
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2024, MCT Agency