Meeting of Business and Technologies in Turkmenistan

Ashgabat eBusiness Forum

date to be confirmed

What awaits the Participant?

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Speeches by top speakers both from Turkmenistan and abroad Participation in exciting discussions about ways to develop Internet business in our country
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Understanding trends in innovation development both in Turkmenistan and in the world as a whole Inspiring experiences of participants overcoming challenges and achieving success
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The opportunity to find like-minded people to build the future together The opportunity to find partners who will give your business significant advantages The feeling of being part of an event that will become part of the modern history of Turkmenistan

Ashgabat eBusiness Forum

We combine business and technology, create innovations! Take part in creating the digital future!

Main Speakers

Agenda of the forum

Registration of participants


Opening of the First Ashgabat Internet Business Forum


The importance of Internet business for the development of the economy of Turkmenistan


eCommerce is the “engine” of online business development


Coffee break


FinTech – hopes and opportunities


The Hidden Potential of Internet Marketing


Lunch break


Internet services: different approaches for the benefit of people


Development of the startup ecosystem in Turkmenistan


Coffee break


Demo Day (competition) of startups


Ashgabat eBusiness Forum

We combine business and technology, create innovations! Take part in creating the digital future!

Forum goals

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The main goal of the Forum is to unite the efforts of all stakeholders in the development of the innovative digital market economy of Turkmenistan.
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All over the world there is a rapid development of innovations, which are becoming the main engine of economic development. The bulk of innovations come from various services that people receive via the Internet.And Turkmenistan does not stand aside from these processes; we have been developing businesses that provide goods and services via the Internet for many years. There are probably no Turkmen citizens who do not know TMCars or And in our country, Internet businesses are playing an increasingly important role both in people’s lives and in the economy as a whole.
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The forum will be dedicated to discussing the current challenges in the development of Internet business in Turkmenistan. A business that creates innovative products and services that set new standards for people's quality of life.
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StartUp Academy from MCT Agency
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With support from the USAID’s Future Growth Initiative